Equally Motivated

As we sit idly by, the evil we were supposed to fight grows stronger every day. Why do we, the good men, stand and watch our world and species self destruct? Is it fear? Is it apathy? What ever the root cause of this paralysis is, the result is apocalyptic. The reasoning of mankind, the intellectual development has declined. Critical thought once the foundation of our rise as a species has been removed, suppressed by a culture of victimization, there is no need to think, no need to question the need to accept the status quo. We now shy away from open discourse, for fear of being ostracized by a society of mindless rabble. No longer do we discuss the issues, the distrust of others of like mind has allowed the apathy to sit deep into the mind of the free thinkers. While I fear it is too late for a non cataclysmic resolution to our situation, I pray that the equally motivated will rise and bring back balance to the situation. Why must we stand idly by, and be persecuted by a ravenous society of consumers? Why can we not raise our standards, our non emotional logical thinking against the emotional mindless robots who screech and scream at every perceived offense? The only way out is to no longer pander to the media, government or useless idiots and force them to comply. No longer shall we allow our thoughts, words or society to fall under the boot of rambling, incoherent, uneducated ranting. We must bind ourselves and our fates together with equally motivated people! Unite under one unified voice of logical thought and speech. Become uncooperative and ungovernable by no longer playing the cards we are dealt. We must fight with the same methods and tactics used against us, no more accepting perversion of both are culture and speech, using the truth as a a weapon and allowing facts to lead the way. Meet people, talk to people find a core value to hold on too. Seek normality and equal motivation, or suffer in silence until your demise at the hand of fools and liars! Be of strong spirit and stand against the storm, be not afraid of words or accusations of your lack of conformity to a standard of perversion and hate!

Be a Sheepdog!

Be Aware, Be Prepared and if Necessary Be Dangerous!


We Must Be Resolute and Vigilant in our Actions

As we see the acceleration of the fight to make people who prepare and train enemies of the state, I would like to remind everyone the following:
We meet to discuss preparing for hard times and sustaining our groups and families. While we cover the skills and mindset of defending our preparation, we in no way purport to promote violence. Be hyper vigil of any individuals who may seek to include you in their plans. We must maintain a heightened awareness of people looking to shine a light on our group for nefarious reasons. We must also balance our ability to welcome new people in, share and help them grow as they seek knowledge and skills. Be welcoming but be vigilant.
Be Aware, Be Prepared, Be Dangerous!

Holy Night

As we gather together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, it strikes me that few Truly understand the situation we find ourselves in. As Christians we stop and reflect on the gift of eternal life at the sacrifice of the Savior and Son of God. As Americans we must realize that our beliefs are under attack, and we are labeled as extremist for our beliefs. We must, with a genuine concern, see the degradation of this celebration of the birth of Jesus, into a materialistic holiday. Along with the continued attacks on Christianity we must recognize the total degradation of our rights. Rights granted by God, rights that protect us from persecution for our beliefs, rights we no longer have. While I hate to point this out on a most holy night, I find it necessary to bring to ghe the forefront the fact that we could be facing the final celebration of our beliefs, while we may gather in our homes I fear, as the communist continue to seek power and control we may not be allowed to assemble to worship. These are hard truths, these are hard times. We must stand now and preach and fight for our beliefs. Celebrate the holiday, enjoy the time with friends and family, share the abundant fruits of your labor, when the last gift is opened, the last crumb is cleaned from the table, take some time to reflect on our current situation and decide, shall I be free, or bow down to the idol of oppression.

First World Mindset

I realized today that the way I teach preparedness is wrong. The realization came to me today as I was reading a post on a preparedness site. The post was posted because someone in a foreign third world country was unable to find a sustainable supply chain. It hit me, after some time, that most people prepare with a first world mindset. They believe that sustainability is based on the current standard of living in America. We as a nation have grown so soft that we cannot understand why you can’t find basic needs in a third world country, and are shocked by it. I now understand that my teaching method may reinforce this idea that sustainability, as a metric of our current world view is a reality. Why we should all be prepared, we must recognize that the world will devolve and it will be difficult. We must attempt to maintain our sustainable lifestyle to meet the realities of austere conditions, not the status quo of todays world. It is important to understand that though we live in difficult times we still have a viable supply chain, though at times cumbersome, we seldom go without the excesses we have grown accustomed to. We should all live without excess and strive to establish and maintain the necessities to ensure our sustainability for any catastrophic event. While a first world mindset will allow us to acquire our needs, it is a detriment to recognizing the difficulties of austere conditions.

Be Aware, Be Prepared and if Necessary Be Dangerous!



Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history and today is a gift, that is why they call it the present. Of all the finite resources we have available, time is the most precious. The ticking of the clock will not stop. Yet we as prideful fools let it pass by, spending it in pursuit of superfluous and wasteful occupations. Sports, social media all waste our time. As the world spirals ever closer to implosion, we occupy our feeble minds with endeavors other than our preservation. People speak. Train and teach,and offer their time and resources to give people the skills and mindset to persevere, yet the opportunity passes. How often will this opportunity be available for the students? How much longer will the teacher offer extra help for those left behind? It seems that self preservation and preparation are not a priority, yet the like minded rely on the equally motivated, to pull them through at the end. Time is a gift, how you use it is a decision, use it wisely every tic-toc that passes is gone forever. As the end is closer than the beginning for some the value of time becomes a reality. Take time seriously as it is a determining factor in your life, how long does it take to master? How long will I need to maintain my life? All these are factors in our decision making process. When an opportunity arises seize the opportunity as the gift of time is the most important gift that you can receive . Time, never enough, use it wisely as it is more valuable than gold and rarer than any element on earth.

Be Aware, Be Prepared and if necessary be Dangerous!


Veterans Day…Why we dishonor their Service

To the men and women of the Armed Forces Past and Present, Thank You! Hollow words for so worthy a sacrifice. These men and women stand ready to defend the Constitution of the United States, while we stand idly by and allow it to be destroyed. Our silence at the social justice erosion of our rights takes place right in front of their eyes. We hide in fear from cowards and useful idiots who call us names and invent new traumas to justify it. Yet these men and women stand ready to protect what we so easily dismiss. Is this how we honor our warriors? This is how we reconcile our cowardice? How can you look a man in the eye and say thank you for protecting my rights, while simultaneously hiding in the shadows as they are taken. Let us honor our veterans, let us stand beside them, not with guns but with truth. Let us Live Freedom thereby ensuring it lives on. Let not their toil be for naught. Let us honor them with action, Let’s us live up to what it means to be American. Let’s us Live Freedom, embody Freedom so that when they return to the idea they defend they smile with pride knowing the sacrifice was worth the cost! Let us honor our warriors by keeping the dream of freedom alive so upon their return they can enjoy the fruits of their labor, in peace!


Thriving in Unsettling Times

How does civilization thrive in such times as these. Mankind was designed, with some humor, by its creator to create. To express itself without compromise or fear of reprisal. While words do and can have consequences, it is still your right as a thinking being to express your thoughts. Yet we have surrendered our God given right of speech for fear of offending someone. For daring to question their sacred cow, their superiority of weakness. In order to have a discourse one must put aside the illogical, emotional response we have grown accustomed to. Replacing it with a pause of screeching, long enough to engage and utilize the logical, analytical side of our brain. To put aside our prejudices, pre conceived notions and fear, long enough to listen and make a counter to the information. The ability is lost; it seems due to an educational system that promotes group think versus analytical free thought. How do we thrive, how long will we allow the muzzle of mediocrity to silence the free thinker? I say it ends now! Task yourself, friends and family to speak freely, to stand and be a voice for freedom. To demonstrate through words and actions the true meaning of freedom, personal excellence and independent thought. Be a constant voice of dissent to the apathetic masses. Realize with pride and consistency that we the free will remain silent no more. Use language as a means to destroy the messenger of failure, speak truth into lies and show the severity of the downfall of humanity. People believe because they see no other side to the lies. Be the voice that shines light on truth, and yet brighter light on lies. Times as these are not as scary when the lies are brought to bear and forced to be reconciled. Be strong, be logical but more importantly stand fast to the truth!

Be Aware, Be Prepared and if necessary be Dangerous!


Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep…

Tonight I will go to sleep in America, not the America I knew, but America. To what end will I awake tomorrow, what right will of been stripped in my slumber? What protected class will I of offended in my sleep? What country will I awake in? Citizens of this country are imprisoned in Washington DC, while militants attack the White House shouting Aloha Snackbar, defacing our monuments and laying siege to our Country. Nothing will happen. The current empowered class has deemed America a corrupt and vile nation. Not because we are, no because we stand for freedom, rugged individualism, and personal responsibility. We have been invaded on our borders, pulled into conflicts, demoralized and weakened our military, as we prepare for another war. Once these few patriots leave our soil, as soon as the warriors are gone, the weak will pounce. The embedded military age males from China, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia, and Iran will partner with the Cartels and begin the assault on our country and citizens. As the government and the militarized DOJ continue an assault on our rights, to silence, suppress and disarm our citizens, our enemies from without, with help from within, are arming and planning the demise of our nation.

There will be no sleep tonight, no dreams of peace and tranquility. There will be thoughts of the failure of my generation to educate and promote freedom! My grandfathers fought to promote freedom around the world. Their children destroyed it. Hard Times make Hard Men, Easy Times make Communists!

Be Aware. Be Prepared and if necessary be Dangerous!




What we see is not always what we get! I had a friend recently commit suicide. This man had a love for life and adventure, whitewater rafting, trail riding jeeps, mountain bikes; you name it he tried it. Loved people and all life could offer, food, cigars, fine liquor. Quick with a quip with just enough sarcasm to make it sting and bring a laugh from the crowd. Intelligence of an engineer with the cynicism to question everything, an all around good man. Yet he is gone. We never know what lies within the mind of people we know well. What Demons drive them to a point of suffering that is no longer bearable, till the mind overwhelms the body and they are gone. It is a difficult thing to mourn them, though they are your friend, without some rage and animosity towards the selfishness of the act. The removal of your friend, someone’s husband and a father to their children, the waste of a life yet to be lived. These are the things you are enraged by. The abandonment of responsibility, the lack of trust to speak of these troubles and give an opportunity to the people who gave a Damn to try and help. Then you step back and realize that it is difficult, as a man to show weakness to admit defeat to these people. To let it be known that the Demons are winning and they need a hand in a fight they are losing. Judge not the fallen, mourn their loss, learn from the symptoms and hopefully save someone fighting the same demon. I will miss my friend, I will never again get a chance to say hello or goodbye. I mourn for his family, I selfishly mourn for myself, as I feel the weight of failing my friend when they needed it most. Check on your buddies, it maybe the only thing keeping them alive! We are all warriors but some battles are within our souls unbeknownst to the very people who will fight beside without question, hesitation or judgement. Be an advocate for your buddies; even when they fight you, stand up to the Demon doing the talking and let the darkness know that your friend is not alone and together the Demon will lose!!

Be Aware, Be Prepared and if necessary Be Dangerous!


Morning in The Mountains

Sitting in the Mountains of Western North Carolina, enjoying a fine cigar after breakfast. The sun has cracked the horizon towards the east yet all I see is a glow behind the mountain, soon it will make its way through the valley and over the peak to my east. For now I sit in a soft glow of hope and realization that I have another day. The heavy wind bring a chill to remind me that fall is coming soon. Sitting in the solitude of cawing crows and the chirp of the small birds, I watch as the leaves fall from the trees. As I watch them descend it reminds me that we all have but a limited time here. The leaves are representative of life. They begin as a bud, green and vibrant full of life. They mature and get to work, serving their purpose of providing the tree with the sunlight and carbon dioxide it needs to live, while simultaneously providing oxygen for the animals to breathe. Noble is their work and mighty are their deeds, yet the time has come, the end of a productive life. As I watch them leave their home to drift to the ground to provide shelter to the animals and food for the soil, I watch as some simply fall limp and lifeless to the ground, while others ride the wind twirling and spinning away from their home to rest in a new place. Some find their way to the river prolonging their existence and seeing and experience new places and things. As I sit and observe these things I realize I want to ride the wind twirl and spin to the river seeing new places, hearing new sounds reveling in the fact that the end is near. As my journey is complete I hope I have fulfilled my obligations and spin away on a mountain thermal satisfied with the life I lived.